quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010

The Video Games!

The Video Games are a very good hobby!

Evaluation of my progress this year

Think about these items while a student of English and try to answer them, even if it's just in your mind.

In class, we learned...

In my opinion, the most interesting thing I learned was....

I had difficulty with...

I would like to learn more about...

End of school year

School year is over.
It has been a wonderful year.we' ve learned interesting things, shared knowledge, grown up, interacted and we are different now.Our blog was something special. It was new to us.We enjoyed doing it. We hope you saw and enjoyed our blog too.
We'd like to wish your a nice summer and don't forget to speak English whenever it's possible.

Video Games

Positive Aspects:
-One of the positive aspects is that some games are good to improve our English
-We can enjoy ourselves with some games, and forget about problems and other negative things in life.
-In some kind of games we can learn, this happens more with children
-Stimulating our reasoning is another good reason to believe that games are not so bad things. In fact nintendo gave the game “brain age” to George W. Bush

Negative Aspects:
-Violent games can encourage violence
-Games can lead to misunderstandings between people. In England some couples separeted themselves because of the game FootBall Manager.
-The abuse of the games can lead to health problems.


"Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock and roll."

Do video games make kids violent, stupid and sick?

What is your opinion about video games?


"Teleworking is a phenomenon consistent with the changing world of work and perfectly in line with the demands of modern man".

By:Jacinta Sousa


I liked the way teleworking is presented.


"Transformers" is an action film based on the number of design and Transformers toys. Directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg, was released in July 2007.

Your generation is going to lead the world


People of today don´t care about each other, they don´t even seem to understand what really means the word "society", each one lives for himself and nobody cares about their neighbours. Can adults change the world? No, because we, their children, we're the future, so the change depends on us and for that reason it's important to fight against this mentality. It's important that tomorrow everybody live together, only that way we'll truly evolute.

by Pedro Barbosa